Password change

The password change of the user currently logged in can be done via the "Change password" item from the "Options" menu in main program menu. By choosing this item a dialog allowing the password change would appear.

"Change password" dialog

There is a user's name and the group he belongs to displayed in the window title bar.

If you would like to change the password you have to enter the current password to the "Enter old password" text box.

Then it is possible to enter the new password into the "Enter new password" text box and to the "Repeat new password" text box to ensure the password has been entered correctly.

Press the "OK" button to confirm the password change, or press "Cancel" for closing the dialog without changes.

If all the passwords have been entered correctly, the password change will take effect. If any of passwords has been entered incorrectly, an error message would appear and the user will be asked for correction of the password.